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Pytania na egzam |
Ma ktoś pytania, które dała Czarnecka na egzamin ustny?
Pon 22:35, 14 Cze 2010 |
Dołączył: 20 Lis 2008
Posty: 12
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
No właśnie niech ktoś wrzuci liste tych pytań co były w tamtym semestrze i te nowe co podała...
Post został pochwalony 0 razy
Wto 9:23, 15 Cze 2010 |
dołączam , gdzieś to wszystko przesiałem;/////
Wto 9:41, 15 Cze 2010 |
Wartościowy Pisarz.2.0
Dołączył: 20 Paź 2007
Posty: 354
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 3 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Od 16 pytania mogłem źle gdzieś coś przepisać, nie ręczę za błędy ;p
1. What are the skills and qualities of a good manager?
2. Which of the skills and qualities are the most important and required to be a successful sales person and why?
3. Promoting the product. Enumerate and describe methods of selling.
4. What personal qualities and skills are required to develop a career in the business world today?
5. What has been the effect of Information Technology (the Internet, e-mail, etc) on the individual and on business?
6. How are computers useful in the following sectors: science and technology, production, banking and finance, education?
7. What are your career ambitions? Describe the type of educational training you require and the stage you have reached. Why is this particular training important for your career?
8. Why is English language important in your education and career?
9. How can a person benefit from travel?
10. What is meant by the cost of living?
11. How do Polish salaries and living standards compare to those in the rest of Europe?
12. What is a brand image? How is it created?
13. How to start up a new business? Enumerate the stages.
14. What are the stages of job application? Enumerate and discuss them.
15. The online job market. Discuss the application process.
16. What are the differences beetwen small and big shop. Where do you prefer to do shoping and why?
17. What are the types of transport you know? What are the advantages and disadvantages of them.
18. What is the most effective way of communication in business.
19. What are the adv. and disadv. of mobile phones. Would you it different to life without/with (?)mobile?
20. Where would you like to go for your next holidays? Why?
21. Discuss SWOT analizies. Describe the process.
22. Enumerate the types of energy. Which type of energy do you think is the best one?
23. What do managers value most while choosing their employies.
24. What are the adv. and disadv. of letters and mails.
25. What are the different banking services you know.
Do tego ponoć na wejściu:
- autoprezentacja: gdzie studiujesz, kierunek, wydział, specjalizacja, zainteresowania, hobby, plany na przyszłość etc.
Post został pochwalony 2 razy
Wto 13:54, 15 Cze 2010 |
Dzięki wielkie 
Wto 14:33, 15 Cze 2010 |
to wszystkie wydawało mi się że jest ich więcej?
Wto 15:05, 15 Cze 2010 |
Dołączył: 20 Lis 2008
Posty: 12
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Wielkie dzięki Kac11zuS:) Jak ktoś ma opracowane niech wrzuci i podzieli sie z resztą;D Nawet jak kilka...
Post został pochwalony 0 razy
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Fuka dnia Wto 18:10, 15 Cze 2010, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
Wto 18:09, 15 Cze 2010 |
jeszcze stalszy bywalec
Dołączył: 16 Paź 2007
Posty: 101
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: Żary
a jest jakaś możliwość że inne grupy będą miały te pytania? np B1
Post został pochwalony 0 razy
Wto 21:10, 15 Cze 2010 |
 |  | a jest jakaś możliwość że inne grupy będą miały te pytania? np B1 |
No jak Wam dała inne pytania, to mała szansa, że będziecie mieli któreś z tych... chyba że się powtarzają.
Śro 12:46, 16 Cze 2010 |
Dołączył: 06 Sty 2008
Posty: 551
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 4 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: z Pizdochlewic
 |  |  |  | a jest jakaś możliwość że inne grupy będą miały te pytania? np B1 |
No jak Wam dała inne pytania, to mała szansa, że będziecie mieli któreś z tych... chyba że się powtarzają. |
Powiem wam że coś w tym jest. Nasza Babka Adreli zadała jedno pytanie z egzaminu.
24. What are the adv. and disadv. of letters and mails.
tylko do tego "tematu" było 5 pytań roznych pytań.
Nasz lvl B1 wasz A2?
Post został pochwalony 0 razy
Śro 14:45, 16 Cze 2010 |
jeszcze stalszy bywalec
Dołączył: 16 Paź 2007
Posty: 101
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: Żary
nam nie dała żadnych pytań. Tylko powiedziała że mogą być różne pytania z całej książki
pytanko 3 bardzo rozwlekle
Perhaps the most effective way to promote products to a large number of people is to advertise. There are several different advertising media that we can use, for example TV and radio. There's also the press - that's newspapers and magazines - and the cinema. And of course the internet is extremely important now- Advertising is a good way to reach a lot of potential customers - but there are other selling techniques as well
There's personal selling, for example. This means employing sales representatives to make regular sales visits to customers and potential customers.
Then there are sales promotions. These include special offers, for example: Ten per cent reduction in price'; or 'Buy satellite TV and get free installation* and discounts that encourage people to buy.
Other examples of sales promotions include competitions and free gifts.
Another method of promotion is public relations. This involves creating news and getting information about the company or its products in the press or on TV. For example, when a pop star launches a new album, people write about it in the music magazines. And this brings publicity for the company.
The next method is direct marketing. This includes all sales activities where consumers can buy the product immediately. An example is direct mail -where you send information to potential customers by post We can also include TV and internet shopping in this category. And then there's telephone selling, where sales staff telephone people and try to sell products over the phone.
And finally, we have sponsorship. A company pays money to have its name linked to an event or a person such as a sports personality. The person wears clothing with the name of the company on it
Post został pochwalony 0 razy
Śro 21:19, 16 Cze 2010 |
Tomek, coś mi się wydaje, że nie będzie tyle czasu na takie długie gadanie 
Czw 10:33, 17 Cze 2010 |
jeszcze stalszy bywalec
Dołączył: 16 Paź 2007
Posty: 101
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: Żary
mi bardziej chodziło o to że każdy coś z tego zapamięta a wtedy odpowiedzi będą różne mimo tego samego materiału
Post został pochwalony 0 razy
Czw 10:59, 17 Cze 2010 |
Dołączył: 06 Sty 2008
Posty: 551
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 4 razy Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: z Pizdochlewic
 |  | mi bardziej chodziło o to że każdy coś z tego zapamięta a wtedy odpowiedzi będą różne mimo tego samego materiału |
Małe szanse na identyczną odp. Najwyzej 2 osoby beda miały ten sam temat. Co do opowiedzi na pytania, kopiujesz pytanie w googla. Czytasz pierwsze 5 stron i masz odpowiedz.
Post został pochwalony 0 razy
Ostatnio zmieniony przez beny dnia Czw 14:02, 17 Cze 2010, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
Czw 13:45, 17 Cze 2010 |
swój człowiek
Dołączył: 07 Gru 2008
Posty: 35
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Ad 3.
Promoting it’s a way of showing item from it’s best side to push people in order to sell the product. There are few way how we can sell it. First one is regular selling in shops. Another way is selling on Internet sale or in Internet shop and after this we have to send packege with our product to customers. We can also sell our product by developing it by sending salesman to customers house. The are going from house to house trying sell things for us.
Ad 4.
In order to develop career in the buissnes world we need a lot of skill and qualities. If we have more skill it’s better for us. I think the most important skills are responsible, honest and creative becouse with this skill we can work hard and carry out our employer will but with this skills someday we can be self-employe. Also we can be organized, ambitions and sensible becouse it’s very halpfull.
Ad 5.
The effect of information technology on the indiviual people was been very usefull and its make life batter and give to people more comunication way and much faster then old later or telegrams. For ordinary people it’s something with life is easier and more confortable but for buissnes this have much more valuable reason. It’s enable develop products and services to more and more people with means more money for the company. Information technology also enable write information about company and send offers to other company from other side of earth. With new information technology there are now limit for company’s.
Ad 6.
Computers are very usefull in almost all sectros in the world. They are enable faster and better work. In scicnce and technology computers have very important role becouse we can build prototype machines on simulators and test them. This way we can spere a lot of time and money. In production we can use computer to better organize proudction line for own high quality products. In banking and finance we can use computer for creating database of all clients and company’s. In education they are can be fast and simple knowledge source.
Ad 7.
My career ambitions it’s to set up my own company someday. I want to my company be from information technology sector and for this i will need experience in developing some sort of information technology and i have to learn about economy. Now I am learning about IT and i know basic knowledge abut economy. Important thing form me is also practicular traning becouse if i will work from good company i can see how it’s working and i can learn about problems with i can meet in the future when i will building my own big company.
Napisalem ja na poprzedni semestr
poprawcie sobie tylko bledy mi sie nie chce
Post został pochwalony 0 razy
Pią 7:06, 18 Cze 2010 |